Monday, December 12, 2011

The Colors Of Chapter One

Chapter one of the Great Gatsby shows a significant use of the colors white and green:
    • White- In Chapter One, the color white is used to represent innocence, especially in the case of Daisy. When Nick first visits the Buchanans, Daisy and Jordan are both wearing white dresses: "They were both in white and their dresses were rippling and fluttering (pg. 12)..." Also, on page 24, Daisy says to Nick, "Our white girlhood was passed together there. Our beautiful white--" Therefore, white shows Daisy's innocence, especially in the beginning of the novel. 
    • Green- At very end of Chapter One, Nick sees Gatsby standing in front of his own house, looking across the water towards where Daisy lives. This is when we first learn of the green light: "Involuntarily I glanced seaward-- and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been at the end of the dock (pg. 26)." The green symbolizes hope and a new beginning, as Gatsby was still in love with Daisy, and longed to be with her.


stw923 said...

Nice job Juliana! What are the women doing when we first meet them? Do they appear to be good, pure people or are they portrayed in a different manner? How is Gatsby described when he is looking at the green light? Why do you think the color green is sued to symbolize desire?

Anonymous said...

It's weird because I never thought of green as a "hopeful" color, but I won't argue with Scott. However, I completely agree with white's representation.

Kevin Kaderis said...

i never really thought of the white color the way you did. But, the green I can see the same thing

TimHegedus said...

Yes, I can see how white represents innocence, and it makes sense that green would represent hope as Gatsby tries to reach for something far away from him but still there

Rose Marques said...

When i think of green i think of "go" like a stoplight. Maybe the green light may have also been a sign to Gastby to "go" after his dreams, and go after Daisy.

Krista~ said...

You know, at first I couldn't figure out what the green light represented but I really like your explanation. A new beginning is exactly what he needs.