Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hamlet and Ophelia: The Beginning

Young Ophelia went out for a walk around the castle grounds, with all eyes on her. As the daughter of King Hamlet's advisor, she always received much attention. But she never quite received the attention from who she wanted. Ever since she was a child, Ophelia had been in love with Prince Hamlet. Although she had only spoken to him scarce occasions, she knew that she wanted to be with him forever.
"Hello, Ophelia," the shopkeeper said as she entered the small building, with the intent of buying parchment for her father, Polonius.
"Hello, sir," she responded politely. "I'm here to buy the shipment of parchment my father requested.
"Oh, of course, I'll go get it in the back. I'll be only a moment." As the shopkeeper wandered into the back on his quarters, Ophelia began looking around, running her delicate hands over fabrics and books.
"Ophelia, is it?" She jumped at the sound of a young man's voice. She turned around to find Hamlet smiling down at her.
"Hello, sir," she remarked shyly, curtseying like her father always told her to do. "How are you?"
"Oh, I am fine," he said as he moved in closer to her. "I just needed to get out of that stuffy old castle." Ophelia responded with a slight grin, understanding his need to be free.
"How is your father?" Hamlet asked, examining a line of fabric.
"Oh, he is fine."
"Good, good. But more importantly, how are you?" Ophelia was startled by the prince's question. Very rarely was she asked how she was doing. But to have Hamlet believe that her feelings outwayed those of her father's? That was something she had never experienced.
"I am fine, thank you." The shopkeeper came back, a pile of parchment in his dry hands. Ophelia handed him a variety of coins, and turned to leave the shop.
"Goodbye, Ophelia," Hamlet called. "It was nice seeing you."
"And you, too." She placed one foot out the door, but then suddenly stopped herself. "Actually, Sir Hamlet, would you like to accompany me on my walk?"
Hamlet's face lit up in delight as he replied, "Of course."


Krista~ said...

Aw Jule! I thought the idea that Ophelia had always been in love with Hamlet was great. It's like Hamlet is that one childhood crush that stuck with her. I viewed it similarly, except that it was Hamlet who was always in love. I think your story makes their love relatable. I also liked how you made a note that Ophelia got so much attention, but no one cared about how she actually felt.

stw923 said...

Nicely written Juliana! I enjoy the insight into Ophelia's mind and I am interested in how you would have her develop over time. I particularly enjoyed the way that you portrayed Hamlet. He comes off a little arrogant and bored with his position in life. I wonder if that is how he would have remained if his father had not died unexpectedly? You create a picture in my mind of a bored and privileged young man with a lot of free time on his hands. Great work!

Kevin Kaderis said...

I really enjoyed the conversation between Hamlet and Ophelia. Also, I liked the ending in which although Ophelia is shy, she invites Hamlet on a walk with her. Another intersting part is how Hamlet just happen to be outside the castle when Ophelia was. Maybe Hamlet was watching Ophelia, and when the moment came he jumped out to meet her.